Saturday, November 29, 2014

38th Week, Almost There!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful on Thanksgiving Day

Five years ago, on this day, I  have received the greatest blessing that changed my life forever. My Roand.

Taking a look back to Roand's first year to celebrate his 5th birthday...! I love you my Roand, even before I met you, I have loved you with all of me. From the first sign of you, to the first time I heard your heartbeat, to the first quiver and flutter inside my tummy, the first cry, your first smile, your first step, your first everything,  I made sure i didn't miss anything as time flies really fast. You've grown so much and you're now 5 and having your own little adventures without me. Sometimes it bothers me that I might be missing important milestones and events while you're at school. But when you come home and tell me about your day, I know you're still my Roand. And seeing you having fun and making new friends and accomplishing so much makes me happy and proud. Yes, we're starting to have arguments, you are a handful most of the time, but you're still my sweet Roand who knows how to make me smile and sings love songs for me and says "I love you Nanay" randomly throughout the day. Looking at how much you've grown makes me sentimental so let me take this moment to remember our first year together and to thank you for every smile you put in my heart, for the lessons in life, for all the experiences and memories... Happy 5th birthday my Roand! Happy 5th year to us!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Stage Mom Status

I'm definitely a stage mom now! Guilty as charged!

So we attended a parent-teacher conference and I dragged my husband to come, and Roand, because I had a secret agenda in mind. They didn't have to come but I insisted. The mister and I had a twenty minute talk with Roand's teacher while Roand was busy at their mini-library in their classroom. So first, we were going over Roand's report card and grades and his performance at school. It was like the teacher was describing a totally different kid! I know that he behaves well at school, I know because every time I drop him off to school and the teacher isn't around yet, he is his usual self. Either he's running around, or jumping or talking nonstop. And no matter how many times I tell him to stay put and stay in line or not to swing his lunchbox around or to stop running, he wouldn't listen. But once he sees his teacher, he transforms into this well-behaved kid, who stays in line and is waiting for instructions. At least I know that he knows he's supposed to listen to his teacher. But what surprised me was when the teacher told us how attentive and alert Roand is when it comes to following instructions. At home, Roand has this tendency to zone me out sometimes when he's busy with something, it's like he couldn't hear me at all. But at school, teacher said he is very attentive even when the teacher isn't talking to him directly. Like when the teacher asked somebody to stop wiggling around and to sit down in "pretzel" position on the carpet, Roand actually listened too and corrects himself and does what he's supposed to do without being told. I actually couldn't believe what I was hearing. Teacher also said that he has the right kind of assertiveness, not aggressive, nor is he passive. Like during choice time and he was the first one to get a certain toy and somebody wants it, he firmly says "I got it first." Not aggressively, but just with the right amount of assertiveness, which is a good thing, the teacher commented. He knows how to handle conflicts and compromise and if he can't resolve it himself, he lets the teacher know. She also asked if Roand attended preschool and I said he didn't. She was a bit surprised and congratulated me for whatever we were doing at home, because it shows at school. Just imagine how my heart is welling up with all that I was hearing. Husband was feeling really proud of Roand too. So I guess, we were both doing something right after all. There is of course, a lot to improve, but teacher reassured us that there is nothing to worry about because Roand is right on track and is where he is supposed to be, and is quite advanced in some areas even. As teacher was wrapping up the meeting, I put my "agenda" into action. She asked if we have any questions and I "casually" asked about Roand's performance during Career Presentation. She said Roand did a great job and that he had the most adorable costume ever. About the Career Presentation which was last month, Roand's class was assigned different jobs to portray and talk about in front of the whole class, and Roand was assigned to be a reporter. They were supposed to explain their job and what tools they use and what clothes/uniform they wear so props and costumes are welcome. Well of course, I had to make him a costume and a mic to go with it, complete with their school logo. I still have leftover felt from making his Jake the Pirate costume enough to make a vest. Then we found a tutorial on youtube on how to make a mic prop.

Aside from the costume, I also prepared a line for Roand to say. And to help him memorize it, I recorded a video that he can watch again and again until he remembers all the words. He remembers most of the words after watching it one time actually but I had to guide him and say the first words to every sentence before he could continue. I knew he can do it because I can see he was interested in memorizing his line. So we got to work. We would say it together during mealtime, while I'm giving him a bath and before going to sleep. After a day, he remembers all the words and even recorded himself saying his line. I knew he was ready. So when Career Day finally came, I asked him one more time to say his line in his costume and he did a great job. I was confident he'd be awesome... (stage mom right there, yep!). After school, I asked him how it went, and he said, teacher told him he did a great job and everybody gave him a round of applause. I pressed in and asked if teacher said anything else and he said no. I had this hunch that he didn't say his line the way we practiced it so I asked him exactly what he said in front of the class and he goes "My job is a 'reporter' and one of my tools is a pen." Needless to say, that isn't what we prepared and just imagine the stage mom in me very disappointed. I asked him why didn't he say what we practiced and he goes "But Nanay, that is what everybody else did! Say your job and one tool, that's it!" I had to calm myself but couldn't help but get into a But Roand - But Nanay argument. I had to remind myself that I might be causing more harm than good because I was showing how disappointed I was before I could calm myself down and decided to let it go. But clearly, I wasn't able to let it go because when I learned about the parent-teacher conference, I knew I had to let the teacher hear Roand's line, which he still remembers after all this time. So back to the meeting, again, I casually said "Oh because we actually prepared a line for that but Roand said he didn't use it..." And then she asked Roand if he still remembers his line and he nodded. With his teacher prompting him to say it, without hesitation, he delivered his whole line, I was smiling the whole time. And when Roand was done, his teacher exclaimed how he just made her day and that it was awesome and that he should do that in front of the class next time and show Ms. Barth, the other teacher. She said we should let him participate in a school play or a community play if there was one because he was good at memorizing a long line. She had more to say but I'll stop myself here before I sound like a bragging mom, but really, I was very proud of Roand. Mission accomplished! Stage mom status achieved..! 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

What's Inside Your Tummy, Mommy?

I stumbled upon this book, "What's Inside Your Tummy, Mommy?" by Abby Cocovini while browsing for books for Roand at the library and I grabbed it right away with a photo op in mind. I wished I had found it sooner though so I would've done a monthly photo with it. Roand never actually asked me this question though. And if he did, this book would've been a great help. I think it's because I have showed him a lot of times photos of me when I was pregnant with him. I do remember him asking, "Where do babies come from Nanay?" Yes, the dreaded question. But I was prepared with an answer for that, I simply said, "From Papa God." But then he had a follow up question, "How Nanay?" To that I said, "Well, we prayed for a baby and Papa God gave you to us." Again he said, "But how Nanay?" I thought for a moment and tried my best to answer it, "Well, to have a baby, you need love. So Papa God took 'love' from Tatay and 'love' from Nanay, and put them together and made a baby and Papa God placed you inside my tummy." To that he said "Oh, I get it now." I'm not sure he did, but I'm glad he stopped asking questions because I was running out of answers. 

When we broke the news to him, I can't really tell what his reaction was. I'm not entirely sure he understood what we just told him and if he had any idea what's gonna happen once the baby comes out. But I could tell he was okay with it. And the more we talked about it, I can sense his excitement to have a little sibling soon. And when we asked him if he wanted a baby brother or a baby sister, he said "A baby sister!" And it looks like he got his wish. He also keeps telling us he wanted twins or triplets even. I told him it wasn't that easy. But he made it clear, he wants one more girl, and one more boy so there will be 2 boys and 2 girls in the family. My husband and I wants a big family too actually but I guess two should be enough. At least for now. Who knows, Roand might get his wish again. 

PS. Thank you husband for putting up with me while taking these pictures...! I know I'm no fun to work with but you still managed to keep your cool. Good job Tatay! Mpwah!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

"We are Here and Now."

Here's a video we made for Christel's 18th birthday. Hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it!

We still have loads to learn obviously, but this came out a lot better than I expected. Not bad for first-timers?

"Be Okay" by Honey

Fresh cut grass, one cold beer.
Thank the Lord I am here and now, here and now.
Summer dress, favorite park.
Bless your soul, we are here and now, here and now.

I'm wide awake, so what's the point of dreaming when your life is great?
Celebrate the feeling, celebrate the feeling.

Can't complain about much these days, I believe we'll be okay.
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh.
Can't complain about much these days, I believe we'll be okay.
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh.
We're screaming out, I believe we'll be okay.

Sun kissed skin on my lips.
Thank the Lord I am here and now, here and now.
Fireflies after dark.
Bless your soul, we are here and now, here and now.

I'm wide awake, so what's the point of dreaming when your life is great?
Celebrate the feeling, celebrate the feeling.

Can't complain about much these days, I believe we'll be okay.
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh.
Can't complain about much these days, I believe we'll be okay.
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh.
We're screaming out, I believe we'll be okay.

We'll be okay.
We'll be okay.

Can't complain about much these days, I believe we'll be okay.
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh.

Can't complain about much these days, I believe we'll be okay.
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh.
Can't complain about much these days, I believe we'll be okay.
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh.
We're screaming out, I believe we'll be okay.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Beach Bump

These photos were taken last August, when I was around 5 months pregnant. It was unplanned and spontaneous but I'm happy how they turned out. Photos are by the husband, post-processed by me using actions I found here.

PS. We only noticed that I was wearing my crochet top inside out when I was editing the pictures lol!