Monday, November 29, 2010

Rootin’ Tootin Great Time!

Howdy Pardners!
 My son, Roand “Twelve” Yozef, turned 1 last November 27th  and we prepared a cowboy themed celebration for him, yeehaw! Everything went as planned, even better, I think..! :)  The kids, even the adults had a rootin’ tootin good time! And the birthday boy had a blast!

photo by Marianne Gaces Pasion

 Roand's birthday was like one big project for us... I personally made the invitations, the envelopes and sticker badges with the guests names for a more personal touch. Since the theme was a cowboy party, I thought of making the birthday boy "Wanted" and the dollar bags plus a rootin tootin good time were of course the reward. The dollar bags were the perfect loot bag right? (ehem ehem). 40 loot bags, all hand-sewn by me...! whew! I had to look for that particular brown sack (they were actually old sacks that used to contain peanuts) and it was the perfect material. It contained chocolate gold coins and play money. And it was a hit! actually the kids loved the play money more than the chocolates.. I also made 'mustaches' as photo prop and they looked really cute... :) The 'watch-me-grow' picture frame was a gift from Roand's Lola Lisa and I thought of passing it out during the party where guests would write little dedications for our little cowpoke. 

(more pictures from my fb album  Preps n' Props)

I had these vest and chaps tailor-made but at first it looked a little bare, good thing I found a top with fringes at ukay-ukay (for Php50) and I so I had the fringes sewn to the original vest and chaps and voila!
photos by Marianne Gaces Pasion

I also asked Roand's Ninang Marianne to make 'wanted' posters of Roand and they turned out really really cute..! the best part is, they're free hehehe..! Thanks Marianne! I owe you a lot..!
by Marianne Gaces Pasion

 We owe a lot of people that helped make the party a memorable and enjoyable one. We would like to thank the people who came despite their busy schedule, (even those who went ala ‘Houdini’… hehe). I know you guys are super busy and yet you came even though you have to leave early… I was tempted to send the sheriff after you! hehehe.

Special thanks to those who came and dressed as cowboys and cowgirls.
Thanks to Lolo Liborio for coming early to spend quality time with the birthday boy.. :) ♥
 Thank you also to the people who wanted to come but couldn’t make it. We understand. But it’s never too late to send a gift right? ;)
 Thank you to those who sent a gift but couldn’t make it. We really wished you were there to celebrate with us.
  A million thanks to Mama Joyce who went all out in helping us,  I asked if she could make me potted cacti as table centerpieces and she agreed. She even made denim cutouts where we could place the potted cacti. What I did was make little "wanted" posters of Roand for added effect. Mama also went all the way to Piddig just to borrow the big stuffed horse. she also asked around for hays and fruit crates, all of which we used as props.
Thank you so much Mama!

 To Roand’s Mamay and Lolo Tatay for the tasty lechon..! Mamay, for babysitting Roand and for putting up with me when I was stressed and anxious and cranky.. and for redoing the banderitas.. Lolo Tatay for driving us around and for taking turns babysitting.
photos by Marianne Gaces Pasion

Made banderitas for a more festive effect..!
 To Uncle Ajo for the cute horse piñata. It was too cute so instead of bashing it to break open I decided to convert it to a pull string piñata. 
ordered online from

Thank you also for scouting for cowboy hats and toys and for running errands for me… And for coming home to celebrate with us…♥

 To Johnson’s staff for letting us in early to decorate and letting us stay much much later than the agreed time for free. And for helping us with decorating and packing up after.
To Jollibee for making the kids, and kids at heart, really really happy..!
photo by Marianne Gaces Pasion

To Ava’s for the perfect saloon backdrop and cacti balloon columns.

Thanks to St. Annibale Cakehaus for the perfect and very yummy cake, and cupcakes. They were exactly the way I wanted them and more! The cowboy cake toppers were actually part of a cowboy toys set I found in a toy store for only Php100, yey! Cacti and background from a wild-animals toy set.
photos by Marianne Gaces Pasion

To Tita Manette, Tito Ronnie, Lolo Rey, Kuya Ryan. Thank you!

For the greetings, the gifts, the smiles, the laughter, thank you so much everyone! You made our Roand very happy and his first birthday a very memorable one.

And of course, to my husband, Roand’s Taytay, thank you for working hard for a party you couldn’t attend. Thank you! We love you so much and we miss you terribly… Thank you for that wonderful message you sent Tatay..!

Above all, thank you to our Dear Lord for giving us the cutest cowboy who captured our hearts..♥
photos by Marianne Gaces Pasion

more more pictures from my fb albums: