Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What's in a Name?

I wasn't even pregnant with her when I started thinking of names for a baby girl because I was having a major baby fever. It wasn't like we were planning or anything but I have been daydreaming endless of having a daughter. I kept telling the mister back then that if we are going to have a baby girl I'll name her "Rucy" which I first heard from a game Roand was playing when he was around 2 years old and nickname her "Rucky." I coined "Rucky" from my pseudo-name Rac (my initials backwards) and from the mister's first name - Lucky... ergo "Rucky." I liked it so much I changed my Instagram user name to Rucky1012. This was several months before I got pregnant. Now when we found out we were in fact having another baby, I started thinking of baby girl names that would go with the nickname "Rucky." (Yes, I was only thinking of baby girl names like I was positive I was gonna have a girl). So there's Rucy. I really liked it and it sounded like "Lucy" and I like the name Lucy. It's "Lucky" without the "K" so... And I liked it more when I heard the song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. But I know my mother wouldn't approve and I was right. In her opinion, it's short for... well, the fallen angel's name so Rucy and Lucy are definitely out of the question. I stumbled upon the name "Rocio" too while looking for more baby girl names but I get tongue tied every time I say it. And so I couldn't think of a single name that would go with "Rucky" unless I go for "Raquel" but I already know a lot of Raquels so I tried of thinking of other names. There's Anatalia, Amelia, Isabella, and then there's Danisque or Daniella and nickname her "Dani" after Daenerys of Game of Thrones. (Yes that's how much I love the mother of dragons..!). The mister however has his heart set for "Marley" after - you guessed it, Bob Marley and although I like Bob Marley (who doesn't really?) I don't think I'll name my kid after him. Plus it reminds me of the dog from Marley and Me, so no mister, let me handle this lol! And then I thought of naming her "Abigail" after my name which means "Father's joy" and add another first name that starts with "C" like I have. I thought of Catarina or Caterina, Camilla, Cara, Claire and Caitlyn but none of it rings right. Then we saw the movie Noah and one of the characters was named "Ila" played by Emma Watson, one of my favorite actresses. The mister and I both like how it sounded and agreed it's a cute nickname. So I started to look for names that have "Ila" and that's when I found the name "Kalila" which is an Arabic name meaning "dearly loved." I changed the "K" to "C" and thus the name Calila Abigail. And she is indeed dearly loved and definitely her father's joy. :)

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