Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Beach Boys

This week’s theme at iheartfaces is “Let’s Hear It For The Boys!” and of course I couldn't resist joining. 

This photo of my husband and baby boy that I took on out first family beach outing is  my most favorite one, so far.  If only I was able to catch Roand's attention and make him look at the camera while I took this photo, it would've been perfect. But he was curiously peering at the water, while clinging hard to his Tatay (father). Roand loves the water but since the sea is still new to him, I guess he got a bit scared. I would've tried harder in catching Roand's attention, but I was engrossed by the moment, watching my husband and our little boy bond and Roand clinging like that to his Tatay. You see, when Roand was born, my husband was abroad and he only got to finally hold our baby boy when Roand was 4 months old. So moments like this, I tend to get a bit emotional. 

I miss seeing them bond. Roand is now a year and 7 months old and it's been a year and a month since they last saw each other. :(

Hopefully, we'd all be together soon.


  1. Greta shot, love the colors !

  2. Thanks for stopping by Little Raindrops! :-)
    I LOVE your shot! So beautiful and precious. I think it's just fine that you didn't catch Roand attention. We see that he was really clinging to daddy! I haven't gone through your posts yet, but for whatever reason your family is separated right now, I hope too that you will be reunited soon!!

  3. Thank you everyone!

    To Little Raindrops: Thank you! My husband is in the US now, while I'm here in the Philippines with our baby. But hopefully, we'd all be together soon..! ♥
