Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mommy Premonitions

We just had our towering indian trees trimmed and cut and so there are empty nests lying around our backyard again... I was kind of half-wishing there was a baby bird left in one of them. I've always been fascinated with nests and little eggs and baby birds (who wouldn't?). But my fascination is a little something of the extraordinary which started when I was a kid. You see,  I came across the book "Elizabeth Hatches an Egg," a part of the Sweet Valley Series... That particular book sparked my imagination and curiosity that I wanted so hard to find me an egg and wanted to challenge the possibility of hatching it just by keeping it warm under my pillow. Then I'll have a baby chick that will think I'm his mommy... And I'll have to carry it around and feed its little hungry mouth. Bizarre much? In another SVH book, I forgot the title, the students from Sweet Valley High had an assignment that included taking care of an egg and bringing it to school everyday for several days, taking turns with a partner. At first, it seemed that it was an easy job but later on the students found out that it's quite challenging to keep a little egg safe, or to at least not lose the egg. The assignment, of course, was to teach them responsibility. I also read from another book, I'm not sure but I think it's from The Babysitter's Club series, the students where each given a sandbag to carry around like it's a baby. Aside from responsibility, I assume the assignment was to imply that child-rearing isn't all that easy. For some reason, that kind of assignment thrilled me.  And I remember wishing we could do it at school back then. As I grew older, I also loved babysitting my twin cousins when they were little tots. I really loved babies and kids..! I would feel proud if I lulled a baby to sleep. And when my friends started having their own kids, I felt quite jealous. So jealous that I told my husband, my then fiance, I wanted to have a baby already. And he felt the same. ♥

And now you see, I have my little boy already... I now have a little hungry mouth to feed, an egg to take care of, and a sandbag to carry around, a very mobile sandbag at that... ^_^