Thursday, April 2, 2015

Mommy Wish List!

These are (just some of the) things I've been eyeing and been wanting to get for me or for the kids and so instead of looking them up again and again I might as well put them in one picture. (And let it be a future reference for anyone who's thinking of getting me or my kids a gift. *cough cough). 

1. Solly Baby Wrap in Natural & Grey Stripe. With the high-end material, I feel like it's a lot better    and more comfortable than any regular baby carrier. I wish I added this to my baby registry.

2. Mother of Dragons shirt. I've been wanting one ever since I saw the picture of Drew Barrymore carrying her kids and she was wearing a white tee with the same print. Plus it's also a reference to my current fave show Game  of Thrones.

3. Don't Start Wars Hoodie or shirt for Roand. How cool is that?

4. My Quotable Kid Journal. Kids say the darndest things, and Roand definitely does. My fave one (and sadly the only thing I can remember at the top off my head without going through my Facebook posts of #Roandisms) so far was when his Aunt Brooklyn pointed to  the yellow flowers we were passing by and told Roand, "Roand look! Those yellow flowers are  mustard." To which Roand quickly replied, "Oh and the red flowers are ketchup!" It would be cool to  be able to put them all in one journal so we can both read it when he's a lot older and have a good  laugh together and maybe see which ones he can remember saying or why he was thinking that. I know I can use just any regular journal or notebook but look how cool the inside of the journal is! Right?!

5. I Heart My Little A-holes: A Bunch of Holy-crap Moments No One Ever Told You About Parenting. I bet this is one book I can totally relate to. We all love our kids to  death but sometimes, they can be...well... little a-holes lol!

6. The Book With No Pictures. The title alone got me so curious. I mean, a book for kids that  doesn't have any pictures? I'd love to add this interesting book to our little book collection.

7. The Big Book of Laugh Out Loud Jokes. Roand would go nuts for this book. He loves telling jokes and when he learns a new one, he'll keep saying it again and again and of course it isn't  as  funny when you hear it the second time. And what about the third, fourth and fifth time? And rules  are... You can't finish the joke for him. Even when you know how it goes because you're the one who  told him the joke in the first place. And you have to laugh every time. Even if you heard it countless times. Sometimes he would try to make his own, like "What did one monkey say to another   monkey?" "Hey you're a banana!" >.< And I end up pretending to laugh, or sometimes I can't even pretend to laugh (and honestly, it can get a bit annoying too, I know I know, mean mom right here...). What's funny is, he'd always ask "Does that make sense Nanay?" This little comedian really  needs new material every time, and so this book is perfect for him (and for me).

8. Baby Doc Martens. This could be Calila's very first DMs. I wonder if they have it in Cherry so we can match.

9. Freshly Picked Baby Moccasins. Love that color! Matches Calila's strollers. :)

10. Fairy Birds book. I heard so much about this book and I think it is the perfect book for every little girl. It's a book about Fairy Birds, which are Fairy Godmothers in training who needs to grow their set of colorful feathers before they become Fairy Godmothers. Every time they learn a new trait, they earn a feather. Basically, this book teaches about giving and inspires little girls to do acts of kindness. And if they do their acts of kindness, you can also reward them with their own set of colorful fairy bird wings also available from the Fairy birds shop.

11. Baby Jack & Co Sensory Tag Blanket. A blanket with a variety of textured ribbons to encourage tactile play that are sewn shut so little fingers don't get intertwined in ribbon loops. It also comes with a teething toy link. And since Calila is starting to grab things and likes putting things that she manages to grab in her mouth, like lately, she grabs her foot and would suck on her toes, this blankie would be perfect for her. Also, if you visit their website, you can also #spreadthelovey by purchasing a blanket as a gift to kids and little warriors fighting their own battles in various hospitals throughout U.S.

12. McNuttie the Squirrel for my little Squirrel. Blablakids shop has a lot of cute stuff for little ones, and I absolutely love their knit dolls. They have this wide range of colorful characters and it's impossible to pick just one.

I hardly ever get excited over material things really, but when it comes to my kids, I can't help but wish I could give them not just everything, but the best of everything. With that said, I still don't want to spoil them, like with Roand, we keep telling him that we only buy things we need and not just because we want it. And I'm glad it doesn't really take much to please this kid. But the thing with Roand is, every time we go to a store, he thinks he's supposed to buy something, anything... A shirt, a pair of socks, anything really. And it doesn't have to be for him, sometimes he'd pick random stuff and ask me if I wanted it like he's gonna buy it for me. He does throw tantrums here and there when he really really wants something and it's easy to just give in but that's when we're most firm about saying no. But sometimes, we come across something that we think he'll absolutely go crazy over and that we'd love to get for him too, like for his birthday or any other special occasion, but then it's way over the budget. Like how we've been wanting to bring him to Disney Land or Lego Land and it's not like we can just go there on whim. And as parents, we want to see our kids happy and see those little faces light up. Their happiness continue to be our source of inspiration like no other. Aside from being able to provide for them, we want them to experience things and see the world and create memories all of us won't ever forget.