Saturday, December 4, 2010

Roand's Rootin' Tootin' First Birthday!

A birthday gift from Ninang Marianne and Tito Eric...! Together they are known as EM Productions! These two lovebirds are very talented in their own leagues and career, and together they make amazing projects..! They complement and support each other and both love what they do. They really make an awesome duo and I'm sort of wondering when's the day they finally join their names outside business. *wink.

They also have the biggest hearts that I know of...! ♥

Before Roand's birthday, I was asking some friends if they have a video camera that I could borrow and my two bestest friends from high school said yes. But then I changed my mind borrowing from them because I thought it was too much to ask for. I didn't bother hiring a videographer anymore because it was out of the budget. So you can just imagine my surprise when E and M said they'll make a video of Roand's birthday as a birthday gift.. yay!

My husband and I have been waiting and waiting for them to upload the video on Facebook, talking about it and wondering how it would turn out. We were extremely excited about it. When they finally did, I was on Fb mobile that time so I literally jumped from where I was sitting and opened the desktop. I was that excited! When I finally saw the output, I'm not gonna lie, I literally had goosebumps! I was smiling the whole time, it was like celebrating Roand's birthday again..! They really did an awesome job that I felt like I was watching one of those video clips I have seen online made by professional videographers that you have to pay thousands. It was more than what I expected. EM outdid their selves again..! I think I watched it 5 times or more that day and wanted to show it to the whole barangay... I was that proud...! Roand loves it too, he would dance every time I play the clip, and point to the video as if saying 'Hey that's me! And that's my birthday party..!'

A million million thanks EM!

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