Monday, September 13, 2010

Post-Partum Cold Feet

I’m now 25. Got married at 24. Gave birth November last year (2009). Don’t get me wrong though, I’m actually right on my “life schedule.” A blessing after a blessing. It’s just that sometimes it’s quite overwhelming. With all these exhilarating events, I sometimes forget to pause and breath. Like I’m always on cloud nine… that I got so dizzy. And when these new roles, demanding ones at that, finally hit me - being a wife, and a mother… I sometimes ask, “Is it all too soon?
Maybe… But if I could turn back time, there’s no way I would have postponed all these… Think… Why wait any longer when you have found the love of your life? The perfectly annoying guy that you can’t get rid of, and makes you fall in love over and over again… 
And when I look at my son smiling back at me… I would think, why wait any longer for moments like this? To have someone love you for who you are and looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing on earth? God entrusted me with this baby because He knows I was ready. Was I? Yes, more than anything, I think I was born to be a mom.. 
But with all these and that, I can’t help but feel that I’m losing myself, and who I was. With that, I take a few minutes to breath, remind myself that I haven’t lost myself, I just found a new me…!

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