Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Beach Boys

This week’s theme at iheartfaces is “Let’s Hear It For The Boys!” and of course I couldn't resist joining. 

This photo of my husband and baby boy that I took on out first family beach outing is  my most favorite one, so far.  If only I was able to catch Roand's attention and make him look at the camera while I took this photo, it would've been perfect. But he was curiously peering at the water, while clinging hard to his Tatay (father). Roand loves the water but since the sea is still new to him, I guess he got a bit scared. I would've tried harder in catching Roand's attention, but I was engrossed by the moment, watching my husband and our little boy bond and Roand clinging like that to his Tatay. You see, when Roand was born, my husband was abroad and he only got to finally hold our baby boy when Roand was 4 months old. So moments like this, I tend to get a bit emotional. 

I miss seeing them bond. Roand is now a year and 7 months old and it's been a year and a month since they last saw each other. :(

Hopefully, we'd all be together soon.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Little Bohemian Princess

This is my favorite set of Athena, and it's easy to see why. ♥ This time, she really loved the camera. I guess it's because she was with her friends the whole time and they each took turns posing and smiling for the camera. Athena here is actually wearing my clothes, both pieces are my tube tops, and her belt, mine. I think they look better on her than they do on me. And if I may say so myself, I think I did a pretty good job with her make-up too. But make-up or no make-up, I really envy her doe eyes and super long lashes. I can't wait for her to grow up...! Look out Dada, looks like you'll have to do a lot of guarding to do when this princess becomes a lady...^^

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bubbly Little Miss Sunshine

My first time to join a photo challenge in I Heart Faces. My first time to join in such actually. ;) This week's theme is "Bright and Vivid." When I read about the challenge, this picture of my bubbly niece Athena popped into mind and thought of using it as my entry. ♥

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Horse Whisperer

This is an impromptu 'photoshoot' with Athena. It's just a random lazy afternoon with the little miss. She came over to play with this big stuffed horse that we borrowed for Roand's birthday. I just took a few snapshots of her, she doesn't like it when I take too many. Most of these shots however are candid. I just let her do her stuff.  These photos have been sitting in my desktop for months now and I never uploaded them before because  I wanted to add a dreamy vintage feel to it before I do. But like I said, I'm no PS genius. I tried several tutorials I found on the net, but I wasn't satisfied with the final output. So I ended up uploading them raw. I will try again once I know what I really want to do with these photos. I am very much open to suggestions. ☺

These are my faves. The whole set (including two photos that I edited but I wasn't happy with how they turned out) can be found here.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Athena Deidre

Meet Athena Deidre, one of my favorite nieces and probably my most photographed one, because she lives right next door to me. I've seen her grow up, from being a chunky baby and now a bright young girl. She's fond of puzzles, activity books, coloring books, watching movies, singing, and what she loves doing the most, is dancing. She has always been our tiny dancer...♥ She's destined for great things, that I believe... ☺

Here's my very first favorite photo of her that I took when she was around two.
Her doe eyes...♥

She how tiny she was before? She was the only baby in the family before and everybody loved her so dearly. 

She did grow up so fast...!

Silly girl...! She loves to make faces and it's always a riot when she does...

She's one of the reasons why I wanted to learn how to use Photoshop and I practiced with her photos the most. These are old stock photos that I'm glad I kept. I guess, you can say that my Photoshop skills are probably as old as her.(But to this date, I still can't  say I have mastered it, boo!)

I still have loads and loads of of her pictures waiting for the world to see. Which means more PS practice for me... ;)

Wish me luck..! I promise to post a picture or two ev-ver-ry-de-ey...!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Today was............

I honestly don't know how to describe today............ So I'll just narrate how things went.

So I woke up late, again, because I was trying to upload a video last night until my eyes grew heavy and with no success on uploading the video, I finally gave up and called it a night. So I woke up late, and as usual, the little boy woke up early. His Mamay (that's what he calls his Grandma), took him and so I had time to grab a few more zzz's. I wanted to get up when I heard them getting ready to go to church but I was so sleepy I went back to sleep... (bad me!). When I woke up, I was a bit disoriented and tried to remember where Roand is. Then I remembered he went to church with his Mamay. So I had about an hour left to myself before my little boss comes home. When he did, he proudly showed me his two new toy balloons, one was Spiderman, the other shaped like a chopper. I asked why his Mamay bought him two, my mother said Roand actually wanted all the balloons, and it's a good thing that he settled with just two.

Showing off his balloons.

After letting him play a little, I gave him a bath, then he fell asleep right after I put his clothes on. The boss was tired from playing... Which means, I had time to myself again. Then I got a call from the husband who's (probably) making up for coming home late because when I asked him why he had to make a long distance call when we can talk via Skype. He said he misses my voice...? What? My voice on the phone sounds different from my voice on uhm... skype? Whatever husband! B- for the effort...!

After talking to the husband on skype, I checked Robinson's Movieworld's site to see what movies they are showing, and saw that Kung Fu Panda II is still up. I wanted to watch it since last week but was endlessly debating with myself whether to go or not because more than the reason that I want to watch it, I want to bring Roand to the movie-house too. Just to see his reaction and if he would sit down and watch. But I couldn't decide if I was ready to bring him. What if he doesn't want to watch? What if he cries while we're inside? What if he wants to play inside and won't sit still? It'll be a waste of time and money if he didn't want to watch right? When I saw Kung Fu Panda II was still up, I decided to go, and convinced myself  that Roand and I will have fun. Since my mother and brother are going too, I ask them to come and watch and help me look after Roand. I was hoping we'd catch the 2:30 show but we got there around 3:15 so I said we'll just wait for the 4:45 show. My mother and bro went to buy school stuff. I went to the kid's section to buy Roand a new pair of slippers. When we went back to where Nanay and my bro was, they were no longer there, and I forgot my mobile phone at home so I had no choice but to go looking for them. I'm getting a bit irritated that time. I don't know, maybe because it was hot inside the mall, and it was probably hot because the place was crowded??! That or because the lady in the cashier looked so smug, didn't bother to look at the customers when talking to them, or at least say hello, and curtly asked me if I had a lower bill. I wanted to tell her if she didn't like her job then she should quit, she's spreading bad vibes and ruining my retail therapy (by that I mean I'm buying stuff for Roand). I looked around for Nanay and Jake (my bro) trying not to mind that my hair is sticking to my nape, to think we're inside a mall, and trying harder not to mind that Roand weighs about 10 kgs. I went to the second floor then back to first, no signs of them. Good thing I ran into my aunt and so we texted Nanay and Jake. After finding Nanay and Jake, Roand and I went to Tom's World. Ate Athena was there too with her mom. My previously brewing bad mood fizzled as I watched Roand and Athena ride the mini-carousel.
With that smile, all sorts of frown turn upside down..^^,

Then I went to the arcade crane machines but after spending Php100 for tokens, I gave up. Tough luck. I looked at the time and it was already 4:20, we had just enough time to buy foodies that we'll bring inside the moviehouse. I went to ask the ticket lady first if Roand will need a ticket too, and she said yes. Bummer. I thought he'd get in free. While deciding on what to get, Jake was scowling and declared he wants to go home with my aunt. They said they were going home after one more game for Athena. So we said okay. Then almost instantly he said he wants to go check 365 Mall if they had nice bags there. Nanay was saying she didn't have enough money to buy Jake a new bag. My almost-15-year-old brother who comes home 3 in the morning, who's already drinking with his friends, walked out on us and what do you know, before he got out of sight, we caught him wiping tears...... I don't know but that triggered a nerve and my previously brewing bad mood came on full blast. You see, my bro and I have been frienemies since he entered puberty and he is fast becoming one of my biggest pet peeves. He really really gets into my nerves with his arrogance, stubbornness, rudeness and selfishness. All he thinks of is his self and his hair, if he looks good, if he has new clothes, if he smells good. For example, he was wearing one of my pants that day. Again! For the nth time when I told him not to. I was then in a bad mood I didn't want to watch anymore.......................

My mother followed my bro and I had no choice but to follow too. But I ran into a friend I haven't seen for a long time. So I had to stop and stayed to chat, and rant a little about my brother's behavior. Then next, I ran into my husband's sister. She was with her husband and Ate Gabie, and their nephews. I immediately switched to good mood. Just like that.  I stayed behind to chat with them because they miss Roand and it's been long since we visited them in Batac. At the back of my mind I wished Nanay and Jake waited for me because well, I didn't have my mobile phone with me. After a quick catching up, I tried to walk as fast as I could and look for my aunt, or for my mother. I couldn't find my aunt so I went to 365 Mall where I caught up with my mother and ....grrr.... crybaby Jake. When they couldn't find a good bag within budget, I told Nanay I wanted to eat and I wanted her to go with me because I'm gonna need help with Roand. He's super duper hyper when we're out. I asked Jake to just go home. (Yep I was that mean to the brat.). I thought they were done since they couldn't find a bag within budget, when in the first place, it was already out of the budget. And I really couldn't stand being with Jake that time. They mumbled about going somewhere.... I said fine, I'm gonna go eat with Roand.

So we went to Shakey's, where I wanted to order everything in the menu. I get hungry when I'm mad. I ordered Pasta Marinara, and 3 scoops of ice cream on a cookie marble dough, plus bottomless iced tea. My Roand was getting silly in his chair I couldn't help but laugh.

Tryina read the menu babe?
Oh don't get frustrated, you'll get there... hahaha!
"Why can't I read?! Wwwhy...?!" 
"Yey that was what I wanted!"

Warming up his silly face...^^

So there, I was back to having a good mood. We were eating happily and giggling and laughing And to my surprise, he loved the pasta marinara...

We were having fun, taking pictures, eating and just being silly....when.... He wanted to get down from his chair. After several attempts to climb down, I finally let him. He went to the window, and guess what? He did Number Two. Pffft.

So much for having a good time. But by then, I was on a very happy note, I find the whole thing funny. Because he ate too much that well, he had to go. So we went to the toilet room and the rest is bathroom history.

After paying our bills, we went back to Robinson's, I'm not sure why I went back, but I was glad I did because upon entering, I saw my aunt and the rest there, and they were about to go home. (I thought they went already). Talk about good timing... So we all went home, everybody happy.

 I think.