Friday, June 10, 2011

The Horse Whisperer

This is an impromptu 'photoshoot' with Athena. It's just a random lazy afternoon with the little miss. She came over to play with this big stuffed horse that we borrowed for Roand's birthday. I just took a few snapshots of her, she doesn't like it when I take too many. Most of these shots however are candid. I just let her do her stuff.  These photos have been sitting in my desktop for months now and I never uploaded them before because  I wanted to add a dreamy vintage feel to it before I do. But like I said, I'm no PS genius. I tried several tutorials I found on the net, but I wasn't satisfied with the final output. So I ended up uploading them raw. I will try again once I know what I really want to do with these photos. I am very much open to suggestions. ☺

These are my faves. The whole set (including two photos that I edited but I wasn't happy with how they turned out) can be found here.

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