Friday, August 19, 2011

"To Blog Everyday"

Just yesterday I promised "to blog everyday" even when no one really follows and reads my blog, aside from a few peeps I force like the husband. ☺ (and a friend who says she does, thank you Chri...!). And so I'm keeping my promise and here I am again, blogging the night away...☺ My promise to who? To my self, actually. It helps me maintain that connection with myself, and keep and save memories as well. 

Yesterday, I meant to post a photo of Roand while we were having cheese turon (that my Aunt, Roand's Mimi Joyce made) for late afternoon merienda. And here they are...^^ 

This merienda is just perfect for us, why?
Because I love cheese, and Roand likes bananas.

Cheese turon is one of my favorites. Anything with cheese would always be one of my favorites. And you know what made this cheese turon extra special? Sharing it with Roand, that's what...!♥ I had coffee and Roand had his current favorite yogurt drink, Dutch Mill. Mimi Joyce would always buy him some. Roand really likes them.. ;)

Taken later on that night while watching tv. I got him to smile yey!

Today, we went to the airport to fetch Mommy Debbie, my aunt, who's arriving from Manila. Here is me, about to go out of the house, not liking the humid weather at all, which is giving me worse hair days.

When we got to the airport and to the waiting area, I saw something that made me shake my head in disappointment. Not just some thing actually, a lot of things really. Empty bottles, empty buko juice caps, plastics and wrappers were all over the place. I wish people would be more responsible with their garbage. Especially in public places. It's really such an eyesore.

Well Roand was probably thinking the same thing. Although I'm guessing he was more amused than concerned..  He was kicking them around, and sort of piled them in one place and I "helped" him. Then he grew tired of our "game" and checked out the toys an old man was selling there with Ate Athena.

And then he went crazy with the "monkey bars."

From the airport, I went to Video City to rent some cds. I got, Arthur and Just Go With It - as suggested by the husband, (which gave me an idea to have a movie marathon - long distance style, lol), Gnomeo and Juliet  for Roand, In the Name of Love for the mother, and Disney Princesses Stories for Athena. I liked all of them except for the last one, which I didn't watch, but the biggest surprise was, In the Name of Love. It was a really great movie, and I was wondering how come I never heard about it before. But it was probably because we're solid kapusos in the house. My brother suggested that I let Nanay watch it, with the 'agenda' of making her "cry." Really, we have a knack for showing movies to her that is sure to make her cry. She knows that and is used to that.. Anyways, she did cry... I sort of missed the brother that moment because if he was around, we'd sure be making high fives. And in between sobs, Nanay would go "Tse, kung anu-ano kase pinapanood niyo saken!"  or something like that. When in reality, Ajo and I are trying to stifle a sniff  too. We all end up teary-eyed and laughing, over the movie, and over our silliness. ♥♥♥

T'is How We Do It...Chill Night Pobre Style

So yesterday, I finally gave in... I really needed to bail out of the house and out from mommy duties even for just a few hours. The original plan was, to go with the parents and the little boy to Laoag but then I decided to go first, and leave Roand with his grandparents so I can have my green tea cream which I have been craving for forever and catch up with friends, without Roand tagging along. I badly needed the break. 

So off to Laoag I went, and met with Bea and Lenz at Giannis. We stayed at the coffee shop. We requested for an additional chair and I didn't waste much time and didn't even have to check the menu, I ordered green tea cream right away. 

Btw, photos in this blog post aren't mine, they were taken by Bea. Thanks Bea for letting me "steal" the pictures...!

During the conversations in between sips, names of common friends popped up and so Lenz called Mondee and invited him to come over. And he did, tagging along was Raffy and Darryl who I haven't seen for ages and I really missed them. Seeing them again made me more giddy as the afternoon unfolds. And so we requested for more tables and chairs. Lenz' boyfie dropped by too, and brought a friend with him. Of course that means, more chairs and tables... We were all in high spirits and laughing endlessly and having a really good time that I didn't realize it was getting dark. Mond and Raffy wanted to order beer, and so I thought, while I'm at it, a beer or two won't hurt. Mond paid for my first bottle, Raffy, my second bottle. Oh and Lenz and Bea paid for my green tea cream...♥ What great friends I have...^^, Then Lenz' guy and friend left, and after several minutes, Christa and her longtime boyfriend, finally came.. Then we decided to go inside so we can order properly from the bar. That's when the real fun started. ;) You see, it was just a spur-of-the-moment thing and well, we didn't have enough money on us. That, we only realized when we sat down. I don't know who started it but most of us scavenged our wallets for some loose change and placed them on the table. I don't know about you but I thought it was really funny..!

Patak-patak pobre style..!
So we ordered what we usually order, 2 pitchers of Grasshopper. One was sponsored by Lenz...^^, Mond took the liberty of filling our goblets, making sure we get equal amounts, lol! And asked us to just sip and take time to finish our drinks. Then we raised our glasses saying "Ang yaman natin!" It was so funny! Everyone was just laughing about how we don't have enough money and yet we were chilling like we owned the place. We didn't order pulutan because we were on a diet (lol) and when the waiter served ice for the drinks, somebody said "Ayan na ang pulutan..." Then we filled our glasses with so much ice so our glasses would look overflowing hahaha! I'm still having such a good laugh about it obviously... ;)

Bea's Beef Pares. I like the 'presentation' so I had to post this too. Next time I go there,
I'll give that a try. I'll make sure I have enough money by then haha! ;)

And there's the whole gang of rich kids...! lol! Minus Christa's boyfie, he took this photo... 'Til the next tagtipid mode guys....! I had a lovely time with all of you, thank you!

So there, we really don't need all the money in the world to have a great time. All we need is the people we call friends that are ten times worth all the money in the world...♥

Went home with the parents and the kiddo at around 10 pm. And I had Jollibee Chickenjoy for dinner...yay! Then during bedtime, Roand happily showed me his new toy cars before he finally dozed off. ♥ Everybody happy... ;)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Just Like The Crazy Old Days...

.... Only crazier!

All these that I'm writing about (and you're about to read, and thank you for taking the time to do so♥) happened last month -July. 16th to be exact.

So after months and months of lack of happenings in my life, (even though July is my birth month), I finally had the much needed jolt I needed, a real (but short) break from mommy duties... Alces came back home to PI, (by this time, she's now back in UK), in time for her own birthday. The whole gang came, well except for those still abroad, and it was certainly a riot...! Everyone had a crazy good time...^^

These are people from my college years, and we've all been good friends since. Well, we had our moments, but nonetheless stuck with each other. And now I can say, we've all really gotten closer. Just too bad, some of us had to leave. So before I get a little too dramatic, let's just stop there and out with the pictures..!

(Disclaimer: Photos are not mine, they were taken by Lavinia aka Banang... But I did some tweaking... I don't have the copy of the original photos and so I downloaded them from Facebook, and well you know how that degrades the quality...)

Glad to be home, the birthday girl! 
Her whole happy family...!

Below: With her longtime boyfriend, Keesen (notice the matching shirt brand?) And the yummy cheesecake from the boyfie, which they got from La Preciosa. I had a huge slice haha! Thanks guys!

Banang and Alces.
Bea and Ces.
With Christa and Mako.
With Jayson and mo! Latecomers as usual...^^
The peeps from our table. Still normal...^^
Slightly abnormal..^^
Working it for the cam...! Gotta love errbody's smile...^^
Working it some more hahaha!!!

Okay, I'm gonna explain what we were doing here. Everybody has their back turned away from the camera, and somebody's counting and on 3, we face the camera in time before the shutter goes off. 

Let the drinking begin! 

Check out Alcester's dad! You wouldn't miss him with that peace sign... c",)|/

I honestly didn't know what I was doing, while everyone just went crazy, I was playing innocent hahaha! I just love these girls...!

And here it is, OUR BEST FACES EVER...! Still cracks me up big time hahaha!

We missed you Ces! And we'll miss you more...♥ Good times, good times...!