Sunday, August 7, 2011

Just Like The Crazy Old Days...

.... Only crazier!

All these that I'm writing about (and you're about to read, and thank you for taking the time to do so♥) happened last month -July. 16th to be exact.

So after months and months of lack of happenings in my life, (even though July is my birth month), I finally had the much needed jolt I needed, a real (but short) break from mommy duties... Alces came back home to PI, (by this time, she's now back in UK), in time for her own birthday. The whole gang came, well except for those still abroad, and it was certainly a riot...! Everyone had a crazy good time...^^

These are people from my college years, and we've all been good friends since. Well, we had our moments, but nonetheless stuck with each other. And now I can say, we've all really gotten closer. Just too bad, some of us had to leave. So before I get a little too dramatic, let's just stop there and out with the pictures..!

(Disclaimer: Photos are not mine, they were taken by Lavinia aka Banang... But I did some tweaking... I don't have the copy of the original photos and so I downloaded them from Facebook, and well you know how that degrades the quality...)

Glad to be home, the birthday girl! 
Her whole happy family...!

Below: With her longtime boyfriend, Keesen (notice the matching shirt brand?) And the yummy cheesecake from the boyfie, which they got from La Preciosa. I had a huge slice haha! Thanks guys!

Banang and Alces.
Bea and Ces.
With Christa and Mako.
With Jayson and mo! Latecomers as usual...^^
The peeps from our table. Still normal...^^
Slightly abnormal..^^
Working it for the cam...! Gotta love errbody's smile...^^
Working it some more hahaha!!!

Okay, I'm gonna explain what we were doing here. Everybody has their back turned away from the camera, and somebody's counting and on 3, we face the camera in time before the shutter goes off. 

Let the drinking begin! 

Check out Alcester's dad! You wouldn't miss him with that peace sign... c",)|/

I honestly didn't know what I was doing, while everyone just went crazy, I was playing innocent hahaha! I just love these girls...!

And here it is, OUR BEST FACES EVER...! Still cracks me up big time hahaha!

We missed you Ces! And we'll miss you more...♥ Good times, good times...!

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