Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Baby Love

I've always wanted to do newborn photography and I plan to take classes someday. So when I found out I was pregnant, I got pretty excited and couldn't wait to take photos of my precious little one. I pinned tons of newborn photos on Pinterest and watched a dozen tutorials on newborn photography and newborn posing and looked for props. When she finally came though, we were all tired and blissfully exhausted (if that even makes sense to you), and we just wanted to enjoy her that I kept putting off the photo sessions I've been planning to do. Also it took a while for all of us to settle in with a new routine of taking care of two. And before we know it, she was already 2 weeks old. I wish I had taken photos earlier, when she was a little wrinkly and her eyes still puffy and looked all newborn-y.  I wanted to preserve her freshness and although she's a big baby (almost 8lbs) to begin with, I feel like she looked a lot tinier as a newborn than when I took these photos. What a difference 2 weeks could make on a baby. And  I already miss her newborn looks. Is it even possible to have baby fever when you just had a baby?

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