Tuesday, February 17, 2015

On Babies Growing Too Fast and Cute Baby Farts

She was almost a month old when I took these photos. When she was a sleepyhead and very fuzzy and a lot less tiny than she is now. And I already miss that. Why do babies grow so fast? 

And I've been beating myself up for not taking more pictures when she was a newborn! Although I did take a lot of photos but not enough so I can remember how tiny she was and how unbelievably tiny everything was compared to now. Now she's got ginormous baby hands and feet! But of course, still undeniably cute...! 

Also, I realized, we still don't have a decent picture together since she was born. It would be nice to see how tiny she was in my arms as opposed to now and when she gets a lot bigger. Note to self (if I get pregnant again): And that is why you hire a newborn photographer! 

She turned two months old yesterday and is making a lot of progress. She's awake longer, and more curious so we finally got her a gym playmat which she loves. I think she's made friends with the characters on her playmat because I catch her "talking" to them and smiling at them which is absolutely funny and cute. I try to put her on tummy time every now and then but I think she hates it. What she loves to do though is to "talk" to us. She was 6 weeks old when she started smiling when you talk to her and you wouldn't believe how high my voice can go (and how annoying it must be) just to get her to smile some more. And lately, she's been trying to "catch" her hands with her mouth. It's so funny how she gets cross-eyed when she does that. And when she manages to catch it, she sucks on happily and makes this loud smacking noises, which, again, I find cute. That's the thing about babies, everything they do is cute. She's cute even when she farts so loud! She'd go prooooooooot and I start laughing and she'd give me this sheepish grin and I would just die. I simply can't get enough of her!

Valentine's Day Shenanigans

First, was a surprise from "some bunny" which he made at school and couldn't wait 'til Valentine's Day to give it to me. Thank you my Roand!
A very cute bunny if I may say so myself. :)

I promised to make him a card too but I didn't have the time to make one so to make up for it, I made him his second favorite breakfast, which is french toast. In case you're wondering what is his favorite, it's oatmeal - which he eats almost everyday so french toast it is.

Later that afternoon, the mister surprised me with these!

Finally...! Macarons that I didn't bake...! Gone in seconds...!

And our little miss got her very first bouquet of flowers...! How cute is that tiny bouquet?! Loved it!

That evening, we went to Sen Dai for our Valentine's Day dinner date, with our kids tagging along of course. Honestly, I'd be happy with takeout food at this point but it did feel nice to be out too.

And that's it! Thank you mister!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Little Love Bird

First Valentine's Day with our baby boo! Love is definitely in the air around this little love bird!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day Artsy-Fartsy

Roand's class celebrated Valentine's Day today at their school and we prepared these 3D Valentine cards for his classmates. 

And this is for Ms. McCall, their teacher. We 'built' a robot to 'hold' the card and the box of chocolates for teacher. ;)

And at school, they decorated a heart-shaped cookie with frostings and sprinkles. And get to eat it too, of course.

And here are pictures of the Valentino just because. :)