Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Valentine's Day Shenanigans

First, was a surprise from "some bunny" which he made at school and couldn't wait 'til Valentine's Day to give it to me. Thank you my Roand!
A very cute bunny if I may say so myself. :)

I promised to make him a card too but I didn't have the time to make one so to make up for it, I made him his second favorite breakfast, which is french toast. In case you're wondering what is his favorite, it's oatmeal - which he eats almost everyday so french toast it is.

Later that afternoon, the mister surprised me with these!

Finally...! Macarons that I didn't bake...! Gone in seconds...!

And our little miss got her very first bouquet of flowers...! How cute is that tiny bouquet?! Loved it!

That evening, we went to Sen Dai for our Valentine's Day dinner date, with our kids tagging along of course. Honestly, I'd be happy with takeout food at this point but it did feel nice to be out too.

And that's it! Thank you mister!

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