Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Girl or Boy? Pink or Blue? We love you!

We finally revealed our little one's gender last month (September 13th, 2014), We've known the gender since July but we only told our family. We weren't planning to tell anyone because I wanted to have a gender reveal get-together. But the mister and I were just too excited to tell somebody else so we gave in and told our family. I already had plans of what to do and I was so excited about it. So excited that I blabbed about it but managed to keep the gender a secret. I was trying to come up with themes and decorations, and was watching countless gender reveal videos on Youtube and even had a secret board on Pinterest with loads of pins about gender reveal parties. But then we had this unexpected financial dilemma so we decided to put the whole thing off. Which of course, made me sad, being hormonal, and being the dramaqueen that I am. Then my friend Moline suggested to have a potluck so we don't spend as much and even offered their place for the get-together. And I was more than happy to accept. With a few weeks to prepare, and with little budget, I managed to whip up a few things for the party. So I chose a simple and easy theme, a 'Team Blue-Team Pink' theme. Not as detailed as I originally planned, but I was happy with the outcome. 

The mister and I also decided to make our own cake. I wanted to make a fondant cake but was worried we wouldn't be able to make it and end up having no cake to bring. And it was important that we have one because that is how we're gonna reveal the gender. If it was blue inside, then it's a boy. If it's pink, then it's a girl. But my husband convinced me we can make it so I gave in since I wanted to try too. We still ended up having loads of arguments while making it though. I'm quite the perfectionist so I get frustrated easily when things don't go my way and don't turn out how I expected them to be. Good thing, the husband was extra patient that day. In the end, we managed to pull it off. not bad for first-timers, I think.

The only pictures we have of the cake.

We also made a quick video to show our guests (and to troll them haha!).

I came up with the idea of making this video because almost everybody guessed that I'm having a baby girl. And Roand (the proud big brother) managed to spill the beans too. So this video was to 'confuse' the guests and stir up some excitement before the actual reveal. And it worked! And below is a compilation of videos sent from friends and family from all the world and a coverage of the party so it is quite lengthy. And if you watched the first video, you'll know why everybody was screaming at the party while watching the video we prepared for them. Enjoy!

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