Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Anybody missed me?

I did! I miss blogging! Why is it so difficult for me to keep blogging??? Ironic even how my last post's title is "To Blog Everyday."

So this is me, jump starting back to blogging. I hope I can keep at it this time. Obviously, a lot has changed since my last post. There's the change of address to a totally different zip code. Roand and I flew from PI to CA and so our little family is now complete. I experienced having a job, my first real job ever. Even if it was just for less than two months. Husband finally got a permanent job. And he quit smoking (yay!).  I took my NCLEX-PN last July and passed which is a huuuge relief. And recently, I finally passed my driving test and I'm now waiting for my license. Roand celebrated two birthdays here already and is now 4 and is having his 5th birthday soon. He also started going to school this year. Definitely a lot of changes...

Aaaand the biggest surprise came this year and will definitely change our lives even more... We're expecting our second baby!!! Sometimes I still can't believe I'm pregnant again! It was unexpected and unplanned but definitely a blessing.

Here's a recap of the past years since we came here.

New place, new faces, new friends, new challenges, new memories and I can say we totally made up for the lost time. Definitely a lot of firsts for the past two years. This year is our third. Despite all these exciting things happening, especially lately, I feel homesick more than ever and terribly miss everybody back home. It makes me somewhat sad that I can't share every moment with my family back home. And with all of these changes came major adjustments too. Yes, it's been more than two years but I don't think I have fully adjusted to this new life. And for the longest time, I felt like I haven't accomplished anything. I felt clueless and lost at times and didn't know where to begin. So I guess it made sense that I took one step at a time.Which is why I am thankful for all the blessings we've been receiving lately. Things are finally looking up and falling into place. I can now say I'm looking forward to what the future may bring.

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