Monday, May 30, 2011

Angle In Disguise

Yeps you read right, "Angle." Because right now, it's all in the right angles for me. I still have to shed off a few more pounds before I can claim I have 're-gained' my pre-pregnant body. I've been getting a lot of [photo] comments lately that I look thin now and that I look like I hadn't given birth at all. Well I better be, it's been a year and a half since. But really, I still have all the signs that I ballooned so much when I was pregnant and I still haven't lost the baby belly. Not too mention the stretch marks everywhere... >.<

I have never been this weight conscious before. In fact I didn't monitor my weight pre, during or post-partum. I don't remember how much I have gained when I became pregnant because I didn't know my pre-pregnant weight. I have yet to consult my pre-natal check-up records. It says there I weighed 60kg when I was 2 months pregnant. Last check-up record says, I weighed a whooping 75 kg.

About 2 mos preggo.
3rd month..
4th obviously... The hips! Look!
5th. Yipes getting BIG!
6th. The cheeks!
7th. In full BOOM!
8th. HUGE!
9th. Enormous me!!!!!
>.< Looking at these pictures now I want to go back in time and smack my pregnant self in my big fat ass! What was I thinking? I remember indulging in sweets, sodas and carbs! Imagine I could finish an entire medium-sized loaf of bread? Urgggh! I couldn't help it really. I was so hungry all the time and since I got so huge, I hardly moved around and so I got little exercise. I always had the excuse that hey I'm pregnant, maybe the baby is hungry. But there was this knowing voice that reminded me that even though I was eating for two, the other one is just a tiny being that has little caloric needs. I hushed the voice and just continued stuffing my face to my heart's content. And so I got so freaking huge! And because I gained so much than I should and gained them fast, I had stretch marks everywhere. :(

I got conscious of my weight after giving birth since everyone was saying how fat I became. But I didn't really do anything about it. I don't really watch what I eat. Maybe sometimes, but most of the time, no. I don't go to the gym. And no I don't drink pills that promises to help me lose weight. (Breastfeeding Roand helped I guess). It's been a year and a half and yes I had shed off most of  my pregnancy weight, and people now would ask me, what did I do? Nothing really. It's just that my son, who finally learned how to walk, run, jump, climb, is hyper most of the time. And looking and running after him, had been a workout for me I guess. But because I really don't tone, I still bulge in all the wrong places. Thus the odd shape, and what's left of my baby bump is still bulging stubbornly.
My transition from 2 days post-partum, to 6mos. post-partum, to 13mos. post-partum. :)

So what do I do? You guessed it... "Angle in disguise." Like so...

If you look closer, you can see my stubborn post-preggy belly. >.<

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