Friday, May 20, 2011

Rac's Star

About the title: Rac - that would be me. A nickname I coined myself when I was still in grade school. It's actually my initials backwards. Yeah yeah, CAR would be my initials. Not as cool as RAC don't you think? Eh? And yes, I think Rac is C oo L. <--- That's an emoticon btw. *insert sheepish grin*

Years later, I met Mac - now my husband, and together, we are... tentenen tenenenentenen..... Mac & Rac. Tadah! 

What about the star? Now that's going to be my story. ;) It's about a star who heard me pray. It's about my star. Rac's star!

So once upon a time, before I became Mrs. Lucky, there was this one night, a bit emotional, I went out in our yard, grabbed a chair and watched the sky. Why was I being emotional? Because I was thinking about the coming days. I was contemplating about the upcoming big event in my life. I was thinking and thinking if I was ready. If it was my destiny. If the man I'm marrying is my destiny. I was actually having cold feet. Why was I being doubtful? Because my husband - then boyfriend, and I didn't exactly have the best of relationships. We had a lot of petty quarrels, really big fights, broke up several times, broke each other's heart several times. And we're going to marry each other? Was it the right decision? Would it end the petty quarrels, the big fights? Does that mean we're not going to break each other's heart anymore? What if it still didn't work out? What if we won't be happy with each other? What if he was bound to meet another and I was bound to meet another too? I had too many what if's running in my mind. I had too many negative thoughts that I was breaking my own heart. And for what? For being scared? For being unsure? For being doubtful? My head was clouded with confusion and uncertainty that I decided to clear my mind. And so I watched the sky, 

As I looked up the dark sky, I began to pray. I prayed for enlightenment. I prayed for guidance. And while I'm at it, I prayed the heavens for a sign. Not just any sign. I asked for a very specific one - a shooting star that would mean Mac and I were really meant for each other. And there it was, after I ended my sentence with please, a star darting across the heavens, answering my prayer almost instantly. I swear, for a moment my jaw dropped! It was like a big YES was written in the sky and I couldn't believe my eyes... I was shocked really. Then the rush of inexplicable overwhelming feelings. Suddenly I believed. All my woes disappeared. And then I remembered why Mac and I wanted to marry in the first place. I remembered how no matter what happened in our past, we've always made it as we had the past few years. That despite the petty quarrels and big fights, we still can't live without each other. That despite the heartaches we caused each other, we still need each other to mend and heal. Because no matter how much we called it quits, we still can't move on and we still find our way back to each other. We finally knocked each other's head and cut the chase to seal the deal. That I am his, and he is mine. To annoy and love, now and forever.

Thanks to a shooting star that decided to fall just to answer my prayer. I didn't really need that. I just needed to remember. But thanks Rac's star! You're super! (Which makes you... a super star!)

I wish I could say this picture was taken that same night.
Click for larger view. ;)

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