Friday, May 27, 2011

In Memory of the Nameless Nikon D40

I've always wanted to try my hands in photography ever since my husband gifted me with a Nikon D40 back when he was still my boyfriend. Also, I was inspired by the local photographers and photography hobbyists that I personally know. Such talented self-taught photographers. Like the two 'Marrianes' - Maryanee and Ferina, that I have followed, and stalked for the longest time, and now they are making a name for themselves in the world of photography. I also envy the fact that they get paid while doing the job they really love, and continue to amaze and inspire people like me. I'm not really into making a career out of it, but I just want to make really good photos, photos that tell a story.

 I guess it's also my way to know if I have talents hidden somewhere, waiting to be discovered. I'm still trying to do just that, when my camera decided to give up on me. I still haven't mastered handling a dslr. I was too lazy to read the manual, tutorials etc. I would always conceptualize in my mind but seldom execute them, thinking I can do them some other time. Most of the time, I lack the confidence and the enthusiasm, thinking I might be frustrated if I can't achieve what I had in mind. And so the camera gave up.  And we have no money yet to resurrect it. :( And now I feel it's loss, and how it's a part of my life. It's been there, capturing photos and memories during our wedding day, when our baby was born, and while he grew up. I may be a little exaggerated but I really miss my camera. And now it's gone. :( I feel bad that I took it for granted, not really taking good care of it. And I didn't even give it a name. :( 

Until we 'meet' again my nameless Nikon D40.

I can't seem to find a decent picture of me and the cam....... 

my poser husband hahaha!


  1. I wish I can, but we don't have enough kaching kaching to upgrade, hehe.

  2. get a nikon digi cam n ur funny
